Flags of Honor and Heroes – US Marine Corps 9/11 Anniversary Ceremony

The United States Marine Corps hosted the ceremony marking the second anniversary of the events of 9/11 in which the Flag of Honor and the Flag of Heroes where presented to city and state officials.

Above: “Sergeant Stevens and Gunnery Sergeant Haro of the US Marine Corps in their dress uniform. Sergeant Stevens and Gunnery Sergeant Haro instigated and subsequently organized the ceremony. They had less than two weeks to get everybody involved and everything ready in time for the ceremony to coincide with the second anniversary; In the true spirit of the Marine Corps they pulled it off remarkably.”

Above: A combined Richmond City (VA) and Chesterfield County (VA) Honor Guard presents the Colors
in the Grand Ball Room of the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Richmond, VA.

Above: All the Flag of Honor and Flag of Heroes recipients, including Chief Andre Parker of the Richmond City PD (5th from left), gather in front of the displayed Flags.

Above: Chief Andre Parker, from the Richmond City Police Department, accepts the Flag of Heroes from the hands of Lieutenant Colonel Edward B Rapp, Officer in Charge, Prior Recruiting Office, 4th Marine Corps District.