Flags of Honor and Heroes – Brisbaine, Australia


Please find as promised, attached images of me with the flags you sent.
I arrived home tonite after work (Thursday 13th October 2005) and was handed a package from the USA….. i took a breath because I knew that opening it was going to be a little emotional…. (as is this email)

Reading the leaflet inside bought tears to my eyes, and I remembered when Joe came to visit! – while I am Australian and , as yet, have not set foot on American soil – i have always adored everything about USA.
When 9-11 happened – i actually was watching CNN and witnessed the 2nd plane hitting the WTC, and then the rest of that horrid day unfold – and i remember thinking, this isnt possible! But of course it was and sadly many lifes were lost.

In August of 2001 – i had started my little website called “trishas_obsession” it was a geocities site and only had several pages, and was designed to be Dedicated to ALL firefighters. When Sept 11th happened more out of respect for the 2-3 firefighters i knew in New York, and the half dozen here, i sat on that website – not wanting to be seen to cash in on firefighters being lost – until June 2002.
That website grew quickly and gathered a lot of support from many people including overseas, and American in particular.

Since i started the website – i have come to know a great many firefighters both here in Brisbane, throughout Australia, UK, and of course USA.

There are only six (6) incidents that the website has achieved that have given me great joy, and made me extremely proud…..

1) Getting to know Bill Bennett (and having as a wonderful friend) and having an article published in the FDNY newspaper “FireNews”

2) Receiving 5 prints from a graphic artist in New York – depicting both FDNY & NYPD and who’s sister is the founder of “Surviors of the Shield” a NYPD organisation

3) Having a firefighter from NYC – Joe McCarthy – not only come to my house, but deliver gifts,too numerous to mention (one of which is the other flag seen in pics & a memorial bracelet we both have with Father Judge’s name on it)

4) Having a Commander of Fire Investigation of Melbourne Fire Brigade as a dear,wonderful and supportive friend (Ian)

5) Being given the opportunity to work side by side with a firefighter here in Brisbane for the Firefighters Calendar, which helps the Children’s Burns unit and firefighter games

6) Receiving 2 flags which have over 3,000 names of people who were lost in 9-11. I know of only one other flag of heroes in the Melbourne Fire Museum

Today marks the arrival of those 2 flags – and thru the tears this email is written – with great pride, i say thank you for allowing me the privilige and honour of having these flags (& tshirt) for my collection… and know that these flags will be taken with me to the Memorial Surf on the Gold Coast next 9-11 and i’m sure the boys will not hestitate in flying them as rememberence.
Thank you so very much John for sending these too me – they will be cherished!!!

To Bill, Joe, Ian and Michael – if not for your continued support these events would not of been possible – and I would not be apart of a WORLDWIDE family of firefighters!! Thank you guys!!!

May the Guardian Angels that have watched over you all – continue to do so for many many years to come…….

Stay Safe – Stay Low

PS – My apologies for waffling on – but for someone who’s not a firefighter, nor married to one – this honor is truly worth sharing!