Flag of Honor – Travis

Sir/Ma’am, attached are pictures of the flag in action so far at Travis; We also plan more permanent memorial outlined in the attached talking paper.

The 60 AMW has used the Flag of Honor as a symbol in our ORI
– Flag used as a focal point at EORI Focus Day event attended by all 700 participants from 60 AMW deploying for ORI
– Col Tim Zadalis spoke to the flag’s significance tying the inspection and training to our engagement in the War on Terrorism
– The Flag was entrusted to the ADVON Team Commander who posted the flag upon arrival at Volk Field
– Each unit at the ORI was responsible for the flag and it was posted in the WOC for the remainder of the deployment exercise
– Col Zadalis, deployed Wing commander and CMSgt Brye McMillon, 60 AMW/CCC, used the flag to promote A1C Jared Calhoun to SrA while at the ORI deployed location

The Flag’s permanent display will be determined by a Wing committee
– Capt Jeremy Harmon has been appointed to lead a committee to design and build a permanent display for the flag
– The 60 AMW committee is working in conjunction with the 15 EMTF and 615 CRW to ensure efforts are not duplicated
– The design and construction will be completed by 1 Sept to be unveiled by 11 Sept 2005

The committee has selected two locations for final consideration
– P-1 is located on the flightline and serves as the base focal point for deployments
— All members deploying from Travis go to this building to be issued their gear which encompasses over 6000 people a year
– The Passenger Terminal is the most visible selection as it serves a global audience
— Encompassing all Airmen, Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines as well as their dependents who travel through Travis AFB on military air which is estimated to be 100 people a day